Additional $select properties

Usage Microsoft Graph by default does not return all available properties of a User Resource. One such example is customSecurityAttributes as shown below.

Custom security attributes is a feature that is currently in preview and is only mentioned here as an example. They require additional configuration in Azure AD for which you must create separate attribute sets and grant specific permissions to assign, read and define attribute sets and their values. You must - for example - assign the App registration that you created for application-level access in Azure AD the role of Attribute Assignment Reader.

If you identified to retrieve properties from a User Resource from Microsoft Graph then you must first click to Show advanced $select properties configuration before you can define additional $select properties. 

In the screenshot you can see an example that would tell the plugin to

  • Return the customSecurityAttributes
  • Map the custom security attribute customSecurityAttributes.Employee.EmployeePersonalEmail to a WordPress user meta with that exact same key namely customSecurityAttributes.Employee.EmployeePersonalEmail.

Please note 

When you activate this option the plugin will add and retrieve the following default properties: businessPhones, displayName, givenName, jobTitle, mail, mobilePhone, officeLocation, preferredLanguage, surname, userPrincipalName, id, city, companyName, country, department, employeeId, streetAddress, state, postalCode.

Developers can retrieve this user meta in the familiar way e.g. 

get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'jobTitle', true );

Default value Empty (Disabled)


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