Multi-tenant API Permissions
Usage Multi-tenant API Permissions is a list of permissions that will be requested when a user from another tenant signs in to your application.
In the example above a user will be asked to allow your application to request these specific permissions and use them to access the user's data in the other tenant using Microsoft Graph.
Also note that an administrator of another tenant can consent on behalf of his / her organization and that doing so will remove the need for each individual user to consent.
Important Please note that if you have not configured and granted these permissions as delegated Microsoft Graph API Permissions for the application registration in your own tenant then users from your own tenant will also see this consent dialog and will be asked to accept the permissions requested.
Please note You should not add the default permissions openid, email and profile here. They are added by default by the plugin.
Default value empty.
Path WPO365 > Single Sign-on
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