Domain hint

Usage To prevent Microsoft from automatically signing in users that are connected (e.g. in Windows) with more than one Microsoft Account, you can configure a domain hint.

Configuring a domain hint is optional. If configured, the plugin will sent the hint along with the request to authenticate the user. This helps Microsoft to decide whether a user already has a valid (login) session for the domain hinted at.

Please note The value entered here must be a domain that is also added to the list of Custom domains on the plugin's User registration configuration page (and thus also be present in the list of custom/default domains added to Azure AD).

Important Recommended if your users experience the following error when they try to sign into your website:

AADSTS90072: User account xxx from identity provider xxx does not exist in tenant xxx and cannot access the application xxx in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first.

Default value The domain suffix used for your users’ principal (login) name e.g.  (without https:// and a trailing slash).

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