Update BuddyPress Extended Profile Fields

Usage When you choose to synchronize additional Microsoft Office 365 / Azure AD user profile fields and you are using BuddyPress you can configure the plugin to update so-called BuddyPress Extended Profile Fields. 

When you check this option, the plugin will look for BuddyPress Extended Profile Fields that match the title of any of the Office 365 user fields that you have configured in the corresponding table.

The following is an exemplary configuration of Office 365 user fields with title Job title (technical MS Graph name jobTitle) and Department (technical MS Graph name department).

Please note that the option Update matching BuddyPress Extended Profile Fields has been checked.

In addition for BuddyPress the following Extended Profile Fields Job title and Department have been (manually) configured in a new Field Group for Office 365.

Because the Extended Profile Fields Department and Job title match with Office 365 user fields Department and Job title by their corresponding field titles - please note that this matching is case-sensitive) - the plugin will now try to update the (BuddyPress) Extended Profile Fields each time when the plugin in general tries to update the Office 365 user profile fields i.e. when the user signs in or when users are being synchronized.

Important When this option is checked the plugin will no longer try and add a new section Directory info. Leaving this option unchecked, however, will cause the plugin - in combination with BuddyPress - to try and add the aforementioned section.

Default value false.


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